camera being held to the side of a wheelchair

Capture Ability

"Capturing Dreams Beyond Barriers: Empowering Photographers of All Abilities!"

Creating a New Device

Creating a New Device November 12, 2021


What if I was to take a Platypod and a Gimble and connect them? Then add a camera to the gimble, what purpose would it be used for? Well before we can answer that, we need to explain what a Platypod and a Gimble is and what it’s for.

First of all the Platypod, is a tripod. The use of the platypod is so wide and versatile, it could be used for low to the ground shots, uneven surfaces, and hard-to-get places. With the optional straps, you can strap it to just about anything you want. With adjustable legs. I was able to set it on a rock, to take a scenic view of a lake at ground level. (Image of Platypod Below)

Image of a Platypod a surface tripod  

Now let's talk about the Gimble, I love this device. So what is a Gimble? A Gimbal is a type of tripod head that allows you to perfectly balance the weight of your camera so that it can be moved effortlessly both vertically and horizontally. For myself, I use it for taking pictures of the moon or stars. Right now, I’m in the process of finding a way to mount the Gimble on a camera grip. (Image of Gimble Below)

Image of a Platypod a surface tripod with a gimble and camera  

So now that we know what a Patypod and a Gimble are, let's put two devices together and make one single accessible device. I realize the picture below is a ground shot but it was taken for another purpose. This device can be put on a table, such as a picnic table or a tray fitted for a wheelchair, it’s all about accessibility. With a camera mounted on the Gimble and a remote for snapping the pictures, there ends up being only two control knobs for tilting and turning the camera. (Image of Platypod and Gimble together Below)

Image of a Platypod a surface tripod with a gimble and camera on a different angle   Image of a Platypod a surface tripod with a gimble and camera on a different angle      

Platypod on 

Gimble on